In Every Thought
A Vision of Life in Him

Hello. Welcome to my blog. I am a mom of young children. I am happily married. I am LDS (Mormon) and so grateful for my Master and Teacher, Jesus Christ. I started this blog one day when I was on my way home from the temple and I had the scripture: "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not" (D&C 6:36) running through my mind over and over again. This scripture sums up, on so many levels, the desires of my heart. It was then that I felt prompted to start this blog. (My first blog post: *My Awakening gives more insight into my thoughts then.)
For the time being, I choose to remain anonymous for the privacy of my family. These are sacred experiences I have had and wish to share without drawing attention directly to myself but to Him who is the Light of the World. I am also not posting any of these on social media anywhere. Maybe in the future if I am prompted I will do so. Feel free to re-post or share anything if you feel prompted. I am not "seeking subscribers". But if you find yourself here, I hope you feel uplifted as you read pieces of my journey thus far. I hope you gain a greater desire to know your own personal Savior, Jesus Christ.
Message me anytime. I'd love to connect with another seeking brother or sister.