Imagine a child with a forklift in a warehouse. Think of what she/he could destroy without knowledge of how to use such a large machine. Shelves being knocked down, walls punctured, cans tipped over, people injured. (Think Michael Scott in the office in the warehouse). 🤦
Our weaknesses are like a big piece of machinery (like a tractor, a forklift or a bulldozer).
If a small child were to climb into the driver seat and steer this machine it would wreak havoc and cause a lot of damage. A child does not understand how to use such a machine. They are not familiar with the levers, the speeds or the tools. Realizing this lack of knowledge and skill, the child seeks a Teacher to help her understand the machine.
With some mentoring, instruction, and practice the child can begin to use this machine for its purpose. It can do much good in the world. The child must always go back to the Teacher to learn how to master the machine.
The machine was a gift from the Teacher knowing if the child sought help and humbled herself she could use this as a tool to benefit others.
Ether 12:27
27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.
Our weaknesses need God's tweaking. They are not all bad. For instance:
-Impatience (weakness) is eagerness (a strength) overdone.
-Really enjoying gossip (weakness) is derived from an interest in other people's lives (a strength) overdone.
-Not being a good planner (weakness) is spontaneity and flexibility- not getting rattled when things get thrown off. (a strength) overdone.
-If you're not a people person or lack interpersonal skills (weakness) might mean you think differently than most people. You might process things internally and be analytical, detail oriented, or good with strategy (a strength) overdone.
-The unlearned man (weakness) can be a humble instrument in God's hands who relies on Him more than the wisdom of men (a strength). So many prophets throughout the ages have fit this description.
-People who aren't very personable (weakness) don't usually get caught up in drama because they're often linear, factual thinkers. Their brain doesn't work the way many other people think (a strength). When it's overused it means we don't know how to interact with others.
-A studious or scholarly person may become obsessed with learning and block out other responsibilities and people (weakness) but balanced it can be a blessing and bring enlightenment himself and others (a strength).
-Some successful individuals find stress to be a good motivator but with too much stress you become less efficient and productive.
-Even fear itself (weakness) is meant to be a protection for us. (See notes for podcast about your shadow self).

You get the idea. I can relate to a few of these. Can you think of any others? Think of your own weaknesses and ponder what unbalanced strength it could be.
Weaknesses are strengths overused or used inappropriately... Like the heavy machinery. Let God make your weakness the strength He intended it to become by His Grace.
It's not that we need to completely change our personality and rid ourselves of those qualities. God can teach us, mentor us and pull us back to His balance to serve His purposes to accomplish our own personal life mission.
Here are three interesting resources that may change your perspective on weakness.
Wendy Ulrich's article about sin vs. weakness.
This is a podcast. The host describes what your "shadow self" is and how it can become your friend. So fascinating.
This is also a podcast. (Podcasts are my workout and chores "jam". ;)) This is where the idea of weaknesses being overused strengths came from.