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Visualize THE WORD pt 1

Writer: In Every ThoughtIn Every Thought

Do you want to have a visionary experience with the Savior?

Why not practice?

Stephen Covey wrote an article for the Ensign in 1974 entitled: Likening the Scriptures unto Ourselves. In it he said:

"Visualize. This means to see in your mind’s eye the characters and events portrayed in the scriptures. Such an empathetic effort will help you understand the situation that produced the teaching. Then you can relate that situation to yours and distill the universal principle that may apply in both.

When you visualize, you’re exercising faith. Visualizing is a powerful mental process, one of man’s unique endowments. Most of us neglect this power. Realize it or not, control it or not, the spiritual creation precedes the physical creation in all things. Most of life’s battles are lost in this private phase."

(full article:

Elder Bednar said while teaching the story of the Savior's birth:

"As we consider this episode together, brothers and sisters, I invite you to visualize yourself in these events and not merely listen to the words."

Below is a recording I did of 3 Nephi chapter 11. I read it slowly with some pausing.

Find a comfortable place, sit quietly and breath deeply. Try to become completely relaxed. Then, push play. As you listen, try to imagine that you are there. You are standing in this scene.

Create a mental picture in your mind. Imagine what you hear. What do you feel? Are you holding something? What is the weather like? What are the people saying? How do you react when you see the Savior descending? How do feel when you see the Savior and hear God the Father's voice? Does He look at you?

You likely stand in line along with 2,500 other people to get the chance to touch His hands and feet and speak with him face to face. When it is your turn He is not rushed. You bow before him. He says your name. You feel his embrace. You are changed. You are a witness of Him. What does He say to you? What do you say to Him?

You hear him teach about his doctrine and watch Nephi approach Him when Christ calls his name. You watch as He lays His hands upon Nephi's head and teaches him how to baptize.

This can be a vivid and beautiful experience for you.

Before you listen, pray and ask the Holy Ghost to be your guide, to help you notice things. Enlist all your senses. Feel the Savior's love for you. Enjoy.

MORE of these to come.

**Here is the article where I got the idea to do this. It is magnificent! Please read it. It changed the way I view the scriptures!

Here is another visualization reading I did of Lehi's dream.



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