Here is another scriptural visualization. I recorded a slow reading of 1 Nephi 8:5-35, 9:1. Before you begin, say a short prayer of gratitude asking for the Holy Ghost to be your guide through Lehi's vision of the Tree of Life. Ask sincerely that he will teach you and bring things to your remembrance that can help you in your current journey.
Click here to go to my last visualization post.
As you listen to this recording, try to imagine yourself as Lehi. Try to feel what he felt, see what he saw and imagine yourself in his shoes throughout the vision. Picture the scene, imagine touching the rod, tasting the fruit, feeling the light and joy flow throughout your entire body while you partake of the fruit (as he describes). I would imagine that much of this vision he viewed from the vantage point of the tree after he partook of the fruit. Try to imagine yourself there.
What additional insights do you gain from this all so familiar dream? What do you imagine each individual person feeling in the groups Lehi describes?
When the vision is finished take 3 deep breaths and offer a prayer of gratitude. Then I would encourage you to write down any insights/thoughts or feelings you experienced during your journey today.