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Remembering Your Divinity: A HEALING Truth

Writer: In Every ThoughtIn Every Thought

Pain. Sorrow. Fear. Worry. Stress.

There are dozens of feelings we could discuss that plague us.

A while ago I heard someone say that what we believe creates our feelings (regardless of our circumstances)...and our beliefs are what we repeatedly think.

If you recognize that you are feeling something (especially if it is negative):

1. Acknowledge the feeling you are experiencing. ie. This feeling is rejection. This feeling is fear. This feeling is jealousy. This feeling is humiliation. etc.

Be careful not to use the phrase "I am _____ (depressed, jealous, bitter...any negative feeling)." I AM is a divine statement. If we use it to make statements that are not filled with Truth and Light it is like we are taking the name of the Lord in vain. After all, He is the great I AM. Plus you are not the feeling. You are a Divine Being experiencing an emotion or shift of consciousness/vibration.

2. Once you have identified the feeling then ask: What thoughts are creating this feeling? ie.This is awful. I'm never going to get out of this. My dreams are crushed. I won't get what I've always wanted. etc.

Negative feelings almost always comes back to one of these 2 thoughts at the very core.

1. I'm not enough.

2. My life won't be enough.

So now lets discuss why understanding your Divine Nature as a child of God is so healing.

What if we truly understood our spiritual heritage? What if we could watch a 10 minute video of our pre-mortal existence on YouTube?

She tells us that she believes it would transform our daily experience.

"I believe if you could see yourself living with your Heavenly Parents and with Jesus Christ; if you could observe what you did premortally and see yourself making commitments—even covenants—with others, including your mentors and teachers; if you could see yourself courageously responding to attacks on truth and valiantly standing up for Jesus Christ, I believe that every one of you would have the increased power, increased commitment, and eternal perspective to help you overcome any and all of your confusion, doubts, struggles, and problems. All of them!

I believe if you could remember who you said you would help while you are here on earth, or what anguishing experiences you agreed to go through, that whatever really tough situation you are presently in—or will be in—you would say, “Oh, now I remember. Now I understand. This difficult situation makes sense to me now. With the Lord’s help I can do this!” "

"I am not enough."

If we truly knew our Father and Mother and our relationship with Them, we would trust in our divine mission given to us from Them. We would know that our capacity as children of God is much greater than we know. We would not be worried about others accepting us, or trying to prove something to someone else. We would not stress so much over what we can and cannot do right now. I believe we would be much more patient with ourselves and as a result, much more patient with others. (More on this correlation another time.) We would forgive ourselves for our setbacks and see them instead as opportunities for growth, taking us through our pre-ordained path and bringing us to our potential and consecrated mission here on earth.

If our thoughts were centered around our confidence in our divine mission and a clear vision of our light-filled, pure Spirits we would rarely, if ever, think, "I am not enough."

And if it is true, that our thoughts create our feelings, we would feel so much more peace about our life. It doesn't mean we wouldn't experience challenges or setbacks but our perspective would be in line with the Mind of Christ. We would see each trial as a lesson leading to progression. Think of the healing we could experience!

"My life won't be enough."

Thinking about our future, sometimes we see what our life is becoming, what our circumstances are and we begin to fear that our life will be a disappointment to us. ie. I won't be able to have the family or children I always hoped for. I won't be able to have the marriage or home I always hoped for. Your ideal dream is likely to be dashed to pieces simply because things change, people change, circumstances change.

Even if we have confidence in our own abilities, the decisions of others often effect our lives to a great degree. We could despair about the future and maybe even try to control things and manipulate them to fit our ideal life. However, we are doomed to failure when we attempt to restrict the agency of others. This will lead to even worse outcomes.

But I have come to learn (although I am far from fully living it) that if we truly know our divine identity and believe that God is our Father, He loves us and always wants what is the absolute best for us in the end, we could see that perhaps God has something better in mind for us than we had planned. We would receive His plan and path for us with gladness.

He is a God of progression and growth. His work and glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of [us]. (Moses 1:39)

Beyond our easy and stress-free life plan, He desires our learning. If we truly trusted that, we would be grateful in any circumstance, knowing that God had ordained or at the least allowed for these trials to work through us for our good.

Joseph Smith received a revelation that is familiar to most of us while he was in prison at Liberty Jail. God told him:

"And if thou shouldst be cast into the pit, or into the hands of murderers, and the sentence of death passed upon thee; if thou be cast into the deep; if the billowing surge conspire against thee; if fierce winds become thine enemy; if the heavens gather blackness, and all the elements combine to hedge up the way; and above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good. (D&C 122:7)

Do we trust that God has our ultimate glory and joy in mind when He allows suffering?

With a change of thoughts leaning on our Savior Jesus Christ, we can experience peace and healing that can increase our positive feelings of hope, peace, gratitude and joy.

When you begin to feel fear, doubt, worry, resentment, etc, recognize it comes from the Enemy and speak Truth. Change your thoughts. Find a scripture that reminds you of your value and worth to our Father in Heaven.

"I am a Child of God and He has sent me here..."

Beyond the pain we feel you can reach to the deeper peace and love.

One of my greatest desires is to REMEMBER. I want to have my eyes opened with a clarity to see and feel the Love and confidence of my Heavenly Parents.

I pray you will feel it too.



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