Gathering of Israel Unit
In the Millennial Instructor, one of the first stories is about 2 little girls who go to a tea party with their grandma at a fancy hotel. Everything is perfect. But when the snacks are brought out, the girls are disappointed to see that everything has olives in it. So the waitress gives them a mini history lesson on the popularity of olives anciently at banquets or among royalty. The girls agree to try the olives and enjoy the snacks. On the opposite page there are 3 recipes you could make at your own “Olive Tea Party”.
Well, my kids love olives and I do not. So they got a kick out of the story. We didn‘t use any of the recipes exactly but made it work. I had a jar of Kalamata olives so I added those to some things. To make it extra special the kids dressed up in their fancy clothes and I got out some leftover Easter candy as a treat which was my son‘s favorite part as you can see.

We had skewered olives as a garnish on top of our sandwiches and olive kabobs with cheese and grape tomatoes. We just used what we had. There is a recipe for an olive oil lemon cake in the book which looked divine but I kept it low key and this ended up being our lunch. I may still make the cake sometime because...😋. While the kids were eating I read a few poems from the Millennial Instructor as shown in the picture.
I did end up eating one olive to be a good sport and we had some fun trying to lift our heavy mugs with our pinkies up because that’s what fancy people do.